
New Monthly English Mass at KSG

KSG Passau am 03.12.2024

Diocese of spokane Ju L Rb dokvs unsplash
English Mass

We are exci­ted to announ­ce that regu­lar Eng­lish Mas­ses will now be cele­bra­ted at the Catho­lic Stu­dent Com­mu­ni­ty (KSG).

The­se Mas­ses are plan­ned to take place once a month and are pre­pared by stu­dents, with the sup­port of Vicar Fr. Sudha­kar Batulla.We warm­ly invi­te ever­yo­ne to join us in cele­bra­ting together.

The first Eng­lish Mass will take place on Mon­day, Decem­ber 9, 2024, in the crypt of St. Niko­la, the Uni­ver­si­ty Church.We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you!

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