Focus Team 2024 25 Lindsey Grace Adelina Ross Brian Focus

Freundschaft untereinander mit Blick auf Jesus

Gemeinschaft FOCUS

FOCUS (The Fel­low­ship of Catho­lic Uni­ver­si­ty Stu­dents) lebt eine Form von katho­li­scher Mis­si­on, deren Auf­trag es ist, die Hoff­nung und die Freu­de des Evan­ge­li­ums mit Uni­ver­si­täts­stu­den­ten zu tei­len. Wir, die Mis­sio­na­re von FOCUS, die mit der KSG zusam­men­ar­bei­ten, wol­len einen Rah­men und Raum bie­ten, Gemein­schaft zu stär­ken, Gesprä­che über das Leben und den Glau­ben zu füh­ren und Stu­den­ten im Wachs­tum dar­in zu begleiten. 

Bibel­grup­pen fin­den regel­mä­ßig bei uns statt, und wir freu­en uns auf jeden Teil­neh­mer. Mel­de dich, wenn du Inter­es­se hast!

The Fel­low­ship of Catho­lic Uni­ver­si­ty Stu­dents is a Catho­lic col­le­gia­te out­reach who­se mis­si­on is to share the hope and joy of the gos­pel with col­lege and uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents, inspi­ring and equip­ping them for a life­time of Christ-cen­­­te­­red evan­ge­liza­ti­on, disci­ple­ship and fri­end­ships in which they lead others to do the same.”

Brian FOCUS Headshot

Hey, my name is Bri­an and this is my second year as a mis­sio­na­ry in Passau.

I grew up in Den­ver Colo­ra­do and went to col­lege at Colo­ra­do Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty. The­re I recei­ved my degree in Fish, Wild­life, and Con­ser­va­ti­on Biology.

In my free time I enjoy doing out­door acti­vi­ties like fishing and hiking. I also enjoy play­ing sports, board games, and exploring/​viewing his­to­ri­cal places. If you ever need a fourth for spike­ball let me know!

I look for­ward to mee­ting you.

Adelina Loos Focus FOCUS


Mein Name ist Ade­li­na und

ich bin in der Nähe von Köln auf­ge­wach­sen. In Bene­dikt­beu­ern und Wien habe ich Sozia­le Arbeit stu­diert. Und jetzt bin ich als Focus-Mis­sio­na­rin Pas­sau gelandet! 

In mei­nem Her­zen neh­men Kaf­fee und Schott­land einen beson­de­ren Platz ein!

Ich freue mich sehr dar­auf, Dich kennenzulernen!

Grace FOCUS Headshot

Hi ever­yo­ne! My name is Grace Stier, I’m a 3rd year mis­sio­na­ry, but this is my first year in Ger­ma­ny. I pre­vious­ly ser­ved in India­na, not to far from my home sta­te of Michi­gan! I stu­di­ed at Kalama­zoo Col­lege whe­re I majo­red in Bio­lo­gy and Ger­man. I did an exch­an­ge semes­ter in Erlan­gen, so I am so hap­py to be back in Germany!

In my free time I like to cro­chet, read, bake, talk about the femi­ni­ne geni­us, and find the per­fect Thai yel­low pota­to cur­ry! I’m exci­ted to meet you all and grow clo­ser to Christ this year!

Lindsey FOCUS Headshot

Hey the­re! My name is Lindsey. 

I am from the land of 10,000 lakes, Min­ne­so­ta, USA! I grew up as a com­pe­ti­ti­ve swim­mer, took any art class I could, found a gre­at inte­rest in pho­to­gra­phy, and stu­di­ed Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on (public rela­ti­ons) at uni­ver­si­ty. I am mar­ried to my won­derful hus­band, Ross. Tog­e­ther, we share a gene­rous coll­ec­tion of books and an exci­te­ment for lear­ning and hobbies.

If you want to dis­co­ver the best chai lat­te in Pas­sau, per­use thrift stores, scope out art muse­ums, or geek out over music, films, or books, I’m your gal! 

Exci­ted to meet you this year at the KSG and around campus!

Ross FOCUS Headshot

Hey y’all! My name is Ross and this is my first year ser­ving at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Passau!

I am begin­ning my 5th year as a mis­sio­na­ry after having ser­ved the past 4 years in Bis­marck, North Dako­ta at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary (Go Mar­au­ders). The­re I met my crea­ti­ve and cou­ra­ge­ous wife, Lind­sey, and recei­ved my MA in Catho­lic Stu­dies. I have a B.S. in Com­pu­ter Sci­ence from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­ne­so­ta Duluth (Go Bulldogs).

Some of my favo­ri­te things to do are play board games, go for hikes, talk about deep intellec­tu­al topics, and most recent­ly, bre­wing my own beer. (Bava­ria seems like the right place to pick it up).

I look for­ward to mee­ting all of you who I have the chan­ce to cross paths with while here in the beau­tiful city of Passau!