Freundschaft untereinander mit Blick auf Jesus
Gemeinschaft FOCUS
FOCUS (The Fellowship of Catholic University Students) lebt eine Form von katholischer Mission, deren Auftrag es ist, die Hoffnung und die Freude des Evangeliums mit Universitätsstudenten zu teilen. Wir, die Missionare von FOCUS, die mit der KSG zusammenarbeiten, wollen einen Rahmen und Raum bieten, Gemeinschaft zu stärken, Gespräche über das Leben und den Glauben zu führen und Studenten im Wachstum darin zu begleiten.
Bibelgruppen finden regelmäßig bei uns statt, und wir freuen uns auf jeden Teilnehmer. Melde dich, wenn du Interesse hast!
„The Fellowship of Catholic University Students is a Catholic collegiate outreach whose mission is to share the hope and joy of the gospel with college and university students, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendships in which they lead others to do the same.”

Hey, my name is Brian and this is my second year as a missionary in Passau.
I grew up in Denver Colorado and went to college at Colorado State University. There I received my degree in Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology.
In my free time I enjoy doing outdoor activities like fishing and hiking. I also enjoy playing sports, board games, and exploring/viewing historical places. If you ever need a fourth for spikeball let me know!
I look forward to meeting you.

Mein Name ist Adelina und
ich bin in der Nähe von Köln aufgewachsen. In Benediktbeuern und Wien habe ich Soziale Arbeit studiert. Und jetzt bin ich als Focus-Missionarin in Passau gelandet!
In meinem Herzen nehmen Kaffee und Schottland einen besonderen Platz ein!
Ich freue mich sehr darauf, Dich kennenzulernen!

Hi everyone! My name is Grace Stier, I’m a 3rd year missionary, but this is my first year in Germany. I previously served in Indiana, not to far from my home state of Michigan! I studied at Kalamazoo College where I majored in Biology and German. I did an exchange semester in Erlangen, so I am so happy to be back in Germany!
In my free time I like to crochet, read, bake, talk about the feminine genius, and find the perfect Thai yellow potato curry! I’m excited to meet you all and grow closer to Christ this year!

Hey there! My name is Lindsey.
I am from the land of 10,000 lakes, Minnesota, USA! I grew up as a competitive swimmer, took any art class I could, found a great interest in photography, and studied Communication (public relations) at university. I am married to my wonderful husband, Ross. Together, we share a generous collection of books and an excitement for learning and hobbies.
If you want to discover the best chai latte in Passau, peruse thrift stores, scope out art museums, or geek out over music, films, or books, I’m your gal!
Excited to meet you this year at the KSG and around campus!

Hey y’all! My name is Ross and this is my first year serving at the University of Passau!
I am beginning my 5th year as a missionary after having served the past 4 years in Bismarck, North Dakota at the University of Mary (Go Marauders). There I met my creative and courageous wife, Lindsey, and received my MA in Catholic Studies. I have a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota Duluth (Go Bulldogs).
Some of my favorite things to do are play board games, go for hikes, talk about deep intellectual topics, and most recently, brewing my own beer. (Bavaria seems like the right place to pick it up).
I look forward to meeting all of you who I have the chance to cross paths with while here in the beautiful city of Passau!